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Major religions in India part- 2 (2024)

  Major religions in India

India is a religiously diverse country, with the most common religions in India being Hinduism, Islam, Christianity Sikhism, Judaism Buddhism, and Jainism With its wide variety of gods, customs, and festivals, the majority religion of India, Hinduism, is intricately entwined with Indian culture. Millions of people follow Islam, which is the second most popular religion and has greatly influenced Indian history and architecture.religions in India

While Buddhism and Jainism originated in India and emphasize non-violence and spiritual enlightenment, Sikhism, which was founded in Punjab, places a strong emphasis on equality and service. religions in India have a long history of Christianity, particularly in areas like Kerala. India is a pluralistic society that has coexisted for centuries thanks to its religious diversity. 

religions in India

Islam religions in India

Islam religions in India, one of the major religions in India, arrived in the 7th century with Arab traders along the Malabar Coast and later spread through conquests and missionary work by Sufis. It is the second-largest religion in India, with around 14% of the population identifying as Muslim religions in India. Islam religions in India in India is diverse, with significant sects like Sunni and Shia, and a range of cultural practices that vary by region.

Central to Islamic belief is the oneness of God (Allah) and the prophethood of Muhammad. Muslims religions in India, like Muslims worldwide, follow the Five Pillars of Islam, which include the declaration of faith (Shahada), prayer (Salat), fasting during Ramadan (Sawm), giving alms (Zakat), and pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).Beyond just its religious impact, Islam has had a big impact on India’s music, food, architecture, and language.

Islamic religions in India architectural legacy can be seen in iconic buildings like the Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, and numerous mosques and tombs around the nation. Islam religions in India has coexisted with other Indian religions for centuries, adding to the pluralistic culture of the nation. The cultural and social fabric of India is still greatly influenced by religions in India, in spite of historical obstacles and contemporary sociopolitical complexity. 

Christian religion in India

One of the largest religions in India in the world, Christianity has a large number of followers in India, it was founded in Jerusalem by Jesus Christ. After Jesus was resurrected three days after his crucifixion, the number of his followers increased further. After some time, it became the rule of the Roman Empire, the basis of Roman Catholic Christianity became Vatican City, after some time there were some reform movements in Christianity and there was widespread interest in the form of a branch department like Protestant Methodist etc.

The main philosophy of Christianity is the belief in the existence of a class from which the world is created. When the creation needs help, he sends a messenger or messiah. Ishu was a messenger who wanted to help people in God-realisation and became their messiah. The Holy Spirit represented the presence of God after Jesus left the earth.

Christian’s religions in India worship the Holy Trinity of God (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. The Bible, a holy book called by God, contains a compilation of the “ancient orders” of the Jews and new writings commissioned by the Roman Catholic Church directed by the Pope.This compilation was called the New Commandment, combining the two to form the Bible.

They celebrate the birth of Jesus during Christmas. One of their main traditions is baptism in which a child or a person enters the service of the church. Another practice is “sharing bread or wine with youkarist or God that demonstrates the unity between God and soul. There were two stages of spread of Christianity in India, first, during the Middle Ages and second, missionary expeditions in the 18th century under the patronage of the British. One of the messengers of Christ, St.

Thomas came to India in the 52nd century and worked in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. This resulted in a large number of conversions in all classes. It is believed to be buried in the principal church of St. Thomas at Mayalapur who brought Christian missionaries with Portuguese service. The missionaries began to focus on providing modern (English) education and medical aid to the converts.

Even today, the young men’s Christian Association (YMCA) (YWCA) for woman spread the message of Jesus in small tribal areas of India. Where they converted the local people and provided them education and medical help. There are also smaller communities within Christianity such as the Syrian Christians of Kerala Protestant group, which are still active and flourishing today.

Sikhism religions in India

The history of Sikhism religions in India begins with the time and teachings of Guru Nanak (1469-1539), he differed from established beliefs and was independent of his approach, not only criticizing the then way of life of the people of Punjab but also providing his followers with an alternative path of socio-religions in India organization. 

Sikhism religions in India

He organized the community life of his followers through the tradition of collective worship and eating together by gathering in a dharamshala. Guru Nanak not only denounced the immediate social order but also provided an alternative to it. The ultimate goal of human existence was salvation which is attained by being free from the endless cycle of birth and death. This salvation cannot be attained by worshipping the paths and idols suggested by the pandits and maulvis, nor can it be achieved by sacrificing one’s material possessions or households, it can be achieved on the strength of this right faith, right worship, and right conduct taught by the Guru.

He believed in the new method of worship here in the community kitchen (langar) on the strength of right conduct. Nanak’s religion is very practical, he does not talk about Viragaya, he does not even talk about leaving home and comfort for liberation. He encouraged his followers to run their household on the strength of their hard work, participate in community events (Sangat) and take part in kirtans (community songs sung in praise of God) organised at main places of worships like Gurudwara and Dharamshala.

One of the couplets composed by him is as follows: Nanak who eats the fruits of his labor is the true antidote In Sikhism religions in India, a follower is expected to be close to God without affecting his livelihood .This practical teaching of Sikhism religions in India greatly influenced the dangers of Punjab, merchant Akshata, other merchant classes and in the initial stage, this class became one of the first followers of Sikhism religions in India.

Initially, there was cordial relations between the Mughals religions in India and the Sikhs religions in India, but the hanging of Guru Arjun Dev on the orders of Jahangir became a matter of controversy, some scholars like Khushwant Singh see it as the first sacrifice of the Sikhs religions in India. Guru Hargobind Singh laid the foundation of the fighting force and created his own army for resistance in Ramdaspur. He converted the Sikh Panth into the Sikh military contingent whose members were called Sant Sainik or Sainik Sant Guru Hargobind was the first Guru who wore two swords.

The first Pariri which replicates the excessiveness. The second Mori, who was a replica of worldliness, thus a symbol of devotion and power, built the fort of Akal Tak and Lohagarh to demonstrate his temporal authority and for the purpose of day-to-day work and defense. The next two Gurus Guru Har Rai and Guru Harkrishna were busy in battles that were arrested by Aurangzeb.

Guru Tegh Bahadur also carried forward the tradition of Gurus, established sovereign power in the area under his control, he continued to struggle with the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb and was put to death in Delhi in 1675. Guru Gobind Singh was the last Guru after whose death the personal Guru tradition came to an end .And the rights of the Guru were transferred to the Guru Granth and Guru Panth.

Four sons of Guru Gobind Singh died in the struggle against the Mughals and the hill chieftains, just before his death, he transferred the right to take decisions in the interest of the Sikhs religions in India to the Guru Granth Sahib etc., which had also received their moral support due to being the voice of the Sikh saints. Guru Gobind Singh founded the Sikh warrior community Khalsa Panth, which is clearly different from the non-Khalsa Sikhs also called Sehajdhari Sikhs.

They included the Nanakpanthi Bhalla and Udasi, groups that either followed Nanak’s words or followed the orders of persons with religious rights other than the Guru tradition in Sikhism. The first five people who entered the Khalsa Panth were called Panch Pyaras.They were asked to start the Khalsa in 199, called the initiated Singh, and the woman was called another, achieved a new level of symmetry among the Sikh followers by the uniform Brahma costume.

The Khalsa Sikhs were not allowed to cut their hair and they carried five kanga kirpans and kanda kutch cases Such distinction at the physical level gave uniformity to the movement and made them different from their co-Dharmapala 

Zoroastrianism religions in India

This religions in India originated in Parsia in the seventh century BC by the Major Messenger. It is a monotheistic Believes in Eternal God called Ahura Mazda Ahura Mazda symbolizes righteous behavior and goodness. The Agar Menu is also symbolized by an evil spirit, these two fight each other, which is illustrated. 1 day good will triumph over evil and that will be the last day. The salute of the first contact of the Parsis with the India happened around the 10th century in order to flee from their Iran due to invasions.

They are known as Parsis and Iranians and currently live in one of the smallest communities in India, in Mumbai, Goa and Ahmedabad. His holy book Jind Stage is written in ancient condition and contains 17 sacred songs, composed by Zarathustra, the translations and terminology of these original readers are called “Jend”. There is a deforming factor for all the elements, so they keep the dead body in the open to be eaten by vultures, these open spaces are called “Dakhya” and the Dakhya nasini of eating vultures.

The only such place in India is the Tower of Silence in Mumbai where their dead bodies are left in the open. Nowadays these people also started burying their dead due to the Indian song crisis. Their fire temples are called Jeene Aa Tass Behram are rare and only eight known temples exist in the whole country.

Judaism religions in India

Despite being one of the oldest religions in India it is the most persecuted religion religions in India, the followers of this religion are called Jews, many empires targeted and persecuted them. This is also a monotheistic religion that believes in one God, their religion predates Christianity and Islam, much of these two religions are derived from Jewish philosophy, Jews believe in Jehovah or one true God practiced by Abraham.

His sacred text is called the Torah, which is also the first five texts of the larger text Tanakh, his legal and ethical writings and summarized Jewish history are called the Talmud. His ancestral prayer rooms are synagogues. Abrahim was the ancestor of all the Jews and proposed that he would shower his grace on those who followed God’s instructions. His son Isaac and grandson Jacob, also called Israel, were also blessed by God. God sent Moses to earth.

Sanamatism religions in India

These are: The religion followed by the Meitei tribe belonging mainly to Manipur, involves the worship of the ancestors, the omnipotent God, the sky element, and the forest. Sanamatism religions in India, the sacred text of the religion, is Poya. The related is Var Lai Harauba which represents the worship of traditional gods and ancestors. Sanamatismhi houses revered deities and is generally placed in the southern west of the house. This religion is not considered a part of Hinduism religions in India.


India is a religiously diverse country, with the most common religions being Hinduism, Islam, Christianity Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism religions in India is a multicultural nation where religion has a big impact on the social, political, and cultural spheres. The coexistence of major religions like Buddhism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Jainism adds to the rich spiritual heritage of the country.

India’s secular framework guarantees everyone’s freedom of worship, even in the face of sporadic conflicts. religions in India holidays, rites, and customs are ingrained in everyday life and contribute to a sense of belonging and identity. In the end, religion in India is a symbol of both diversity and unity, reflecting the nation’s pluralistic culture and the complex relationship between tradition and modernity.

With its wide variety of gods, customs, and festivals, the majority religions in India, Hinduism, is intricately entwined with Indian culture. Millions of people follow Islam, which is the second most popular religions in India and has greatly influenced Indian history and architecture. While Buddhism and Jainism religions in India originated in India and emphasize non-violence and spiritual enlightenment, Sikhism religions in India, which was founded in Punjab, places a strong emphasis on equality and service. India has a long history of Christianity religions in India, particularly in areas like Kerala. India is a pluralistic society that has coexisted for centuries thanks to its religions in India diversity. 

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