Buddhism is one of the major religions of the world starting from the Indian subcontinent, it has now spread to large parts of Southeast Asia. It is the fourth largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. About 7% of the world’s population adopts Buddhism, 0.7% of India’s population or 8,400,000 people, most of whom live in Maharashtra. Those who are followers of Buddhism.
For six years he wandered like a monk. Then she went to Bodh Gaya Bihar and sat there under a peepal tree and did penance. There, he contemplated everything, freed himself from all bondage, he realized the secret of truth, i.e., happiness, at the age of 35, under the Peepal tree, he attained enlightenment. He became buddha. After attaining Nirvana in Bodh Gaya, he gave the first sermon to five of his companions at the Mirga Udyan of Sarnath near Varanasi.
The first five disciples of Buddha were companions
The three gems adopted under Buddhism are as follows
Teachings of Dhamma-Buddha (Doctrines)
The concept of the Sangh was introduced when Baudha delivered the first sermon among the three jewels.
His five companions became a sangha Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana in 483 BC at the age of 80 at Kushinagar (Malla Mahajanapada) in Uttar Pradesh Much of his life is considered contemporary of King Bimbisaar and the last year of Haryak is considered contemporary of unknown regions. In many Buddhist texts, Buddha is known as.
Takata and Sakyamuni under Buddhism, Budaj. But it is a service was Kassapa Buddha, his successor will be met Ray. In many Bodha texts, the Buddha is referred to as Tathagata and Shakyamuni. Under Buddhism, Buddha’s predecessor was Kasyapa Buddha, his successor will be Maitreya.
Early Buddhist Sect
After the departure of the Buddha, between 383 BCE and BC 100, the original sangha split into two early sects.
Sthavira Nikaya: its sub-sects included.
Manisaka, Sarvastivada, Sakrantika, Dharmaguptaka, Vatsiputriya, Dharmottriya, Bhadrayaniya, Sanagrik and Sammitiya.
Mahasanghika: its sub-sects-
Gokulika, prajnapativaad, bahusrutiya, ekavyaharika, chautika.
The other sub-sects that did not gain power under the above two sects are Hemavatika Rajgirya Siddhanta, Aparacelia and Aprajigirika.
Concepts and philosophies under Bodhdharma
The basic principles of Buddhism are explained through four major superior trureths
It is as follows-
- Suffering is suffering in the world.
- Community is the cause of suffering.
- Detention is the remedy for suffering.
- Every now and then there is an endless cycle of rebirths suffering and then the dead.
- If one is freed from his desires and needs, he attains moksha and peace.
- The best can be achieved by following the eight-point path.
These include
- Kindness Purana, truthful and proper discourse.
- Sincere, peaceful and proper order.
- Searching for a proper livelihood in which no one is harmed.
- Proper effort and self-control, proper mental consciousness.
- Proper attention and focus on the meaning of life.
- The origin of a sincere and wise man is from his right thoughts.
- Superstitions should be avoided, and correct understanding should be developed.
- According to the Buddha, the middle path explains the best eight-point path that leads to salvation.
- Accepts the authenticity of the Boddhist and does not accept them.
- It also denies the existence of the soul unlike Jainism.
- When Buddha attained Mahaparinirvana in Kushinagar in 483 BC.
- Therefore, over a period of the next 500 years, four Bodh Sangeetis were held to store this material in the Pitaka.
- As a result, three majors Pitakos were written Vinay, Suta and Abhidham which were jointly called Tipitaka
- Fourth in the breath period of King Kanishka.
- In Sangiti, that religion was divided, two sects were born, in Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism, it is found here that the Hinayana sect declined, two new sects were born under Bodhidharma.
They are the following:
Hinayana Buddhism, Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhism.
Hinayana Buddhism
It means being resourceless
This sect includes followers of the original teachings of Buddha
It is a conservative sect
They do not believe in worshipping Buddha idols or images
They believe in individual salvation and strive for individual salvation through discipline and meditation The ultimate goal of Hinayana is creation One of the sects of Hinayana is Sattaviravada or Theravada. Hinayana used Pali language for public communication. Emperor Ashoka patronized the Hinayana sect because Mahayana came into existence much later. In the present era, knowledge has almost ceased to exist in its original form.
Mahayana Buddhism
It means bigger vehicle This sect is more liberal Buddha, and intellectual elements are considered as divine symbols of Buddha the ultimate goal of Mahayajna is spiritual upliftment Followers of Mah Yan believe in the worship of the statue or picture of Buddha. The concept of bodhisattvas is a result of Mahna Buddhism. Mahayana is also called Bodhisattvyana or the vehicle of the Bodhisattva
That is to say, its followers believe in the concept of bodhisattvas for the salvation of all lords
He believes in universal liberation from suffering for all beings. A Bodhisattva seeks to attain complete enlightenment for the benefit of all beings who attain this goal. Samaykansbuddha is called. According to the Kamalasutra, the Mahayana sect believes in the observance of six perfections by each individual. Kanishka of the Kushan dynasty is considered the founder of the Mahayana sect in the first century, currently most of the followers of Buddhism in the world belong to the Mahayana sect, other nations where they are followed include Nepal Bangladesh Japan Viet Nam etc.
Secondary Ideology
This ideology is based on the voidness theory. It was discovered by Nagarjuna, a very famous enlightenment philosopher in the 2nd, 3rd century BC. The central idea of emptiness theory under Mahayana and religion lies in the fact that Chandrakeen is a great scholar of this school of thought. All things or phenomena are natural matter or essence void.
Buddhists in Bodhisattvas
There is a bodhisattva who has developed bodhichitta to attain enlightenment for the purposes of benefit to all sentient beings. Mahayana Buddhism believes in the concept of universal emancipation. According to legends, Buddha was a Bodhisattva in his previous births.
The stories show that the Bodhisattva made many efforts to adopt qualities such as renunciation and morality: In Theravada, a person whose aim is to become enlightened also has to undergo birth, disease, death, sorrow, purity and delusions. The path to becoming a Buddha has to pass through 10 streams or lands. These include happiness, purity, light, radiance, very hard training, exaltation, far going, immovable, good wisdom, intelligence and clouds of religion.
The major Bodhisattvas under Buddhism include the following
He is one of the three protective deities around the Buddha. He is described as holding a lotus flower. He is also known as Padamani. Such a painter can be seen in public caves. He is the most recognized of all the Bodhisattvas. These bodhisattvas of compassion help them by using skilled means to listen to the cries of the world. In Theravada Buddhism of Cambodia, he is informally known as Lokeshvara. She is depicted as a woman. She is believed to have incarnated as the Holy Dalai Lama.
This is also one of the three protective deities of Buddha, they are also depicted in the cave of Ajanta, because along with all the powers of Mercury in water, all the five Tathagatas named Vairokana Akshambhayo, Amitabha Ratanasambhava and Amoghasiddhi are contained in the powers of the Tathagata.
He is also one of the three protective deities of the ghost and is also depicted in the caves of Ajanta, he is related to the wisdom of the Buddha and a male bodhisattva with a sword in his hand.
Meditation and conduct are related to Bodh and together with Manjushri, they are called the creation of the true trinity of Bodh Dharma.
He is shown as such a Buddhist monk
Who vowed to attain Buddhatava until hell was completely empty
The future Buddha who will come to earth in the future and attain complete enlightenment and teach pure religion is considered to be the incarnation of the laughing Buddha.
Akasagarbha: The sky is associated with the Tara: It belongs to the Vajrayana Buddhist sect and represents the qualities of success in actions and achievements.
Vasundara: Relates to wealth, prosperity, and abundance
Popular in Nepal.
Skanda: Protector of monasteries and Buddha’s teachings.
Sitatapatra: She protects against supernatural dangers and is worshipped in both Mahayana and Inki Mahayana sects Dipankara Buddha.
- Dipankara was one of the past Buddhas who reached enlightenment before Gautama Buddha
- According to Buddhism, Dipankara was the former Buddha, Gautama was the most recent Mercury and Maitreya would be the future Buddha
- Respect is given under three subsects of Buddhism, Mahayana, Vajrayana and even Theravada. Theravada Buddhism
- This section considers the teachings of the Shram Siddha Buddha in the Pali doctrine (the only complete Buddhist doctrine in existence) as the crux of its doctrine
- The best eight-point antidote is practiced getting rid of the cycle of past life and sorrow. Kaleshas include various mental states such as anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy, craving, depression etc.
- According to the Theravada tradition, equanimity and Vipassana are integral to the eight-point noble path described by the Buddha.
Vipassana means the insight into the three qualities of existence: impermanence, suffering, and the realisation of non-self. Theravada Believes in the concept of vibhajjavada meaning “the teaching of analysis”.Visuddhimarga (Path of Purification) is the largest text of theravada of Buddhism.It discusses the seven stages of purification (Sat-Vishuddhi) under Theravada which have to be followed to attain Nirvana.About 35.8% of the world’s Buddhists belong to the Theravada tradition. Among the countries that believe in it are Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos Thailand Myanmar etc.
Vajrayana Buddhism (Tantric Buddhism) Development of Vajrayana sect Buddhism by royal courts and Patronizing both
Shaivism is influenced by Hinduism; their chief goddess is Tara. It also includes Brahmanical Vedic rituals along with Buddha philosophy. Based on Buddhist philosophy, the sect considers many skillful methods (the superiority of tantra, mantras and yantras) including tantric rituals as means of liberation. According to this sect, Mantar, compared to the six Purna or Paramita of Mahayana, is a simpler way to attain Buddhahood.5.7% of the world’s Buddhist population belongs to it, countries where there are followers are Tibet, Bhutan, Mongolia Kalamkia, etc.
Sites visited by Buddha
The kingdoms and empires that Buddha visited were ruled by the kingdoms of Kaushala and Magadha, the places under these two kingdoms were Kapilavastu, Rajagriha, Vaishali, Gaya, Bodh Gaya, Sarnath, Kosambi, Shravasti (capital of Kaushala), Kushinagar, Nalanda, Mathura, Varanasi, Saket, Champapuri etc.
In ancient times, Buddha was the main disciple
- Sariput-chief disciple
- Mahamouglayan-Chief Disciple
- Ananda – He listened to the teachings of Buddha the most.
- Mahakashyapa
- Anurudha
- Rahul
- Katyayana
- Upali
- Anantapindaka
- Subhuti
- Jeevak
Bandi had 16 arhats
In Theravada Buddhism he is called arhat. One who has gained Insight into the true nature of existence and attained Nirvana. Under mahayana Buddhism, an arhat is a person who is very far along the path to attaining nirvana but has not yet attained it. In total, 16 mythological arhats are prominent under Buddhism
Nagasena and even Rahula, the son of Gautama Buddha, is considered one of the 16 arhats. Under Mahayagya, the Arhat is the person who has attained peace for himself and does not want to leave this peace to others. The bodhisattva and mahayana bodhisattva are an awakened being. Who has vowed to live indefinitely in the world for others
Mahayana Buddhists prefer Buddhists as a goal rather than creating an arhat
Other important personalities related to Buddhism and religion.
Nagasena: He answered the question asked by Menander- 1 Indo-Greek king of Buddhism. This conversation was recorded in a book called Milind Panho around the 150th Century AD. Nagarjana: lived around 150 to 250 century AD and was the founder of the Madhyamaka School of Mahayana Buddhism.
He wrote from the point of view of Sarvastivada and Sautrantika ideologies.Bodhidharma : lifetime around 5th and 6th century. He spread Buddhism in China. Buddhaghosa: 5th-century Indian Theravada Buddhist commentator, best known for his scholarly work the Visuddhimagga.
There was an eighth-century monk known as the second Buddha in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and the Himalayan kingdoms
Atish: Was a Bengali Buddhist religious leader and prominent personality
He inspired Buddhist ideas on Mahayana and Vajrayana in Asia in the eleventh century from Tibet to Sumatra.
Dalai Lama:
He is the modern spiritual master of the yellow-capped branch of Tibetan Buddhism
Navayana Buddhism
The Navayana school of thought (branch) is considered to be the new branch of Buddhism propounded by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, it is different from the recognized traditional practices of Theravada Mahayana and Vajrayana
It rejects practices and precepts that are considered the basis of Buddhist traditions, such as abandoning monks and monastic order, karma, reincarnation after death, samsara, dhyana, enlightenment, and the Four Superior Truths. It interprets the basic teachings of Buddhism as class struggle and social equality.
The Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths provide a route to enlightenment in Buddhism, which was established by Siddhartha Gautama. Impermanence, non-attachment, and the end of suffering are at the heart of its teachings. It promotes mindfulness, moral behavior, and compassion as paths to inner serenity and escape from the cycle of reincarnation (samsara).

Buddhism has impacted cultures all over the world for centuries, manifesting itself in many forms, including Theravāda, Mahāyāna, and Vajrayāna. Millions of people are still inspired by its emphasis on kindness, wisdom, and personal transformation; it provides a spiritual framework for dealing with life’s obstacles and fostering inner harmony.